The Twelfth House in Astrology: The House of the Subconscious and Spiritual Realms
In astrology, the twelfth house, often referred to as the house of the subconscious and spiritual realms, holds the key to understanding our hidden depths, inner conflicts, and connection to the mystical and spiritual dimensions of life. It occupies the final position in the birth chart, representing the hidden recesses of our psyche, dreams, […]
The Eleventh House in Astrology: The House of Social Connections and Aspirations
In the intricate tapestry of astrological symbolism, each house holds a unique key to understanding different facets of our lives. The eleventh house, often referred to as the house of social connections and aspirations, occupies a significant place in the birth chart. It represents our friendships, group affiliations, dreams, and the causes we champion […]
The Tenth House in Astrology: The House of Career and Public Image
In the intricate tapestry of astrological symbolism, each house holds a unique key to understanding different facets of our lives. The tenth house, often referred to as the house of career and public image, occupies a central position in the birth chart. It represents our ambitions, achievements, social status, and how we are perceived […]
The Ninth House in Astrology: The House of Expansion and Higher Learning
In the intricate tapestry of astrological symbolism, each house serves as a unique key to understanding different facets of our lives. The ninth house, often referred to as the house of expansion and higher learning, holds a special place in the birth chart. It is the house of philosophy, higher education, travel, and the […]