Tough times do not last, tough people do.


These are tough times indeed. But we can remain positive.

However, being positive does not mean you have to be always be happy or cheerful regardless of whatever blows you may receive. It just means that you know that tough times do not go on forever and good times will come soon.

Tough times do not last, tough people do.

On that note, it is not easy to stay positive, but the following will help:


  1. Take one step back and have a close look at yourself.


Step back from your current predicament and look at the bigger picture. Give yourself a reality check.

As you do this, you will realise that:

Many people are worse off than you are.

Your problems are not problems at all when you think about them.

There is no reason at all to be unhappy.

Many things you are negative about do not affect you personally.


  1. Look for something positive and focus on it.


We can choose what to focus on. If we choose to focus on the negative parts of life, we will be negative and unhappy.

Why not focus on the positive? When we focus on the positive parts of life, we will be positive and happy.

When tough times come, focus on the things that are going well with you right now. There will always be something going well is worth rejoicing over, even in the worst of times.

Therefore, we can choose to be happy by focusing on the good things that happen and think happy thoughts. It is entirely up to us.

People tend to focus on things that are not going well in their lives or surroundings. They whine and fret about them and in so doing make themselves feel bad. This is even though they have so much to be grateful for.

Happiness is a state of mind.

Think of something happy and hold that thought.  You will feel better immediately.


  1. Look past the situation and know this will pass.


Good times do not last. Neither do hard times.

Everything you are facing now is impermanent.

All these problems will pass, sooner or later.

As hard times will be over sooner or later, there is no reason not to remain positive and feel good during tough times. Make the best of the situation regardless of the outcome.


  1. Ask for help and support.


In tough times, do ask for help. If people are happy to help us, then it will be good for you and the person offering the help.

It is difficult to speak up and seek help for any number of personal reasons.

However, our family and our friends are usually more than happy to help us. Sometimes a stranger or somebody we have never met may offer their help.

Just accept their help and support. They will feel good for providing it, as much as you will from receiving it.


  1. Develop gratefulness.


One good way to be happy is to be grateful for what you are and already have.

You will develop gratitude once you develop a sense of awareness of how well you are physically, mentally, and materially.

Please remove your sense of entitlement.

We should always be grateful for the kindness of others.


Please share this message. I believe it may help the person who might need this message at this moment in time.

May you be well and happy.

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