Silence will help you solve many problems.
- Updated: September 28, 2021

I have discovered over the years that silence is a very powerful tool.
Social media has taught and conditioned us to react to every little thing.
You can avoid a lot of trouble by using silence.
Why do you break your silence?
It is your ego.
Your ego wants to react.
It is like a defence mechanism. You feel good when you break the silence and defend yourself.
And you can get a lot of attention when you do. You love the attention. That is your ego acting up again.
Delay the reaction to break the temptation to break the silence. Just react later.
This gives you time to reflect and gain perspective. This mitigates the any potential fallouts from your reaction.
Just remember to respond with silence every time your ego starts acting up.
Do your work in silence.
Do not talk when you are working.
Do your work in silence. Fully concentrate. Have a walk or a drink if you need a break. When you take break, leave the work at your workplace. Do not bring it with you to the water cooler or pantry or washroom.
It also includes interruptions from your other online stuff.
Do not check your emails every minute.
Do not check your social media messages and updates every minute.
Switch off your notifications or alerts. If you need them, then lower the volume or mute them.
When going through social media updates, forget about being right or wrong.
Do not get lost in the comments sections. There are many bored people around leaving dreadful comments around to suck you or anyone into an online argument.
Just let go and move on.
Be silent before answering questions.
You may suddenly be ambushed by questions that may require you to state your position or opinion or decision.
These may be deliberately done with the intention to:
- Provoke you to an argument.
- Catch you off guard to embarrass you.
- Pass the responsibility for a problem to you.
This can happen either in a personal situation or at work.
Do not fall into their trap and answer without thinking.
Just be silent and think about the answer before responding. This will break their pattern.
After sufficient time in silence, you may state that you need time to prepare an answer. If you already have a proper response ready, then answer.
Some of those asking questions may be very aggressive and may insist on getting your answer immediately. Just hold your ground and give them a similar answer.
Do not feel like you must answer immediately.
If you must answer, pause, and be silent for a while before doing so.
Be silent when walking.
When you walk, try to feel each footstep.
Look carefully at each tree or shrub or flower you see and admire the myriad details of each plant.
Look carefully at the sky and admire the clear blue sky and clouds with numerous shapes.
Feel the wind blowing. the breeze. The rustling of the leaves on the trees.
The chirping of the birds or insects.
Note and follow each breath as it travels from your nostrils to your lungs.
Be in the moment.
You feel at peace with yourself.
Have your shower or bath in silence.
Try showering in silence.
Listen to the sound of water gushing out of the shower.
Pay attention to the sound and feeling of water hitting your body.
It is quite calming and can bring you to a meditative state.
You may suddenly get a flash of inspiration when taking your shower.
Live a quiet life.
Tell no one anything.
Sometimes we care too much about outside opinions or what people think of us.
This is the problem with opinions.
If the opinions run counter against your plans, they may throw you off your trajectory. You may decide not to proceed with your plan or dreams or the thing you have set out to do.
Sometimes we talk too much about our achievements or status in life.
People also love to wear down or tear down anyone who has been moderately successful.
They do this to draw them away from their own inadequacies.
Just to justify their mediocrity. To bring you down to their level.
Talk less about you have done and save time. And spend the time saved on self-improvement.
Have more and show less.
Speak less and know more.
Final thoughts
Silence will help you solve many problems.
When you talk less, you think more.
Pause and reflect. Think about what you are going to do.
The first reaction to trouble is often the worst reaction.
Use silence to interrupt your impulse to react at once.
Learn to be in the moment.