Do you only have 10 minutes to make your wife happy every day? 10 minutes of time can make a huge difference in your marriage.


Do you only have 10 minutes to make your wife happy every day? No, you likely have more, but you can try out these few activities out. These behavioural changes will demonstrate that 10 minutes of time can make a huge difference in your marriage.

Your life improves once your relationship improves. All this can happen in 10 minutes or less a day.

Let us go through the following 10-minute activities which can make your wife happy,

But you must be proactive; you must make it happen.


Here are four proven activities which takes 10 minutes or less to make your wife happy:


1. Talk to your wife.

Spend at least 10 minutes to talk to your wife each day.

One of the best times are at dinnertime. Another time would be after having the evening shower as both of you will be free then. These times are great for a conversation.

If these times cannot work for you for some reason, then a 5-minute phone call at lunch time would do.

You cannot be so busy that you are not willing to spend any time to talk to your wife.


Talk to and not talk at.

Two-way conversation, please.


2. Be interested in what your wife has to say.

Your wife may be full of stuff to say to you after either or both of you gets off work. And one or both of you are dead tired. But you must pay attention and listen to what she has to say.

Do not act interested. Just picture yourself in a meeting room listening to a boring presentation. You will act interested out of respect for the presenter. The presenter will know you are bored by your actions.

You wife will know that you not interested, and just acting interested. That will worsen things.

Listen attentively to every single word she is saying. Ignore every other thing in the room and every sound in your surroundings.

She will be super happy in 10 minutes or less.


3. Be affectionate.

You can probably  remember the time when you were dating, engaged, and married for the first two years. It was quite likely you would hold her hand, put your arms around her waist and hug her often, or all the time.

If you stopped doing that, just do it again.

If you have been doing that, just continue doing so.

Hug, cuddle, and kiss throughout the day. Spontaneously.

10 minutes but you will end up hugging longer. As the longer you hug, the longer you want to stay in that position.


4. Tell her she looks beautiful.

Women tend to be hard on themselves regarding their looks.

Just look into your wife’s eyes and tell her she is beautiful; you will make her day.

But be sincere of course.

Your wife will always be beautiful to you. Her appearance now, and when you first met her will be the same even though years may have passed. You fell in love with your wife as a person, and not for her appearance only.

Tell her, “You are beautiful” now.

Less than 5 seconds to say that.



What do you think your wife would like?  If you do not know, ask her.

She will be happy to know that you care enough to ask her and find out. And do one or more of those things in this post. See what works for both of you.

And she will be happy to know that you are doing your umpteen best to make her happy!

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